Payroll Giving

Make payday mean more with Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn, is a simple, convenient and tax-free way to make a regular donation to charity – costing you less to give more.

You can donate to CLAPA direct from your gross salary (before tax is deducted) – giving immediate tax relief on your donations.

Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can use Payroll Giving.

How to join Payroll Giving

  • Speak to your payroll team to see if your company offers Payroll Giving. To sign up they’ll send you a short application form to complete.
  • You will need to give them CLAPA’s charity number. Our registered charity number is 1108160.
  • Choose how much you wish to donate – from a minimum amount of £1 per week or £5 per month.
  • If your employer doesn’t have a Payroll Giving scheme, ask them to start one by registering with a Payroll Giving Agency. A list of agencies is available on the HM Revenue and Customs website

How it works

  • If you pay the basic 20 per cent tax rate (for every £1 you earn above the standard personal allowance 20p is paid in tax) and pledge £10 per month to CLAPA we receive £10. But only £8 will be deducted from your net pay.

How Payroll Giving works

  • If you pay income tax at the higher rate of 40 per cent and pledge £10 per month just £6 will be deducted from your net pay. At the highest rate of 45 per cent only £5.50 is deducted.
  • It is more efficient for higher rate taxpayers to donate through Payroll Giving than Gift Aid, because charities are unable to claim back tax above the basic rate through the Gift Aid scheme.
  • Income tax on donations is paid to CLAPA instead of HMRC. For more information visit the HM Revenue and Customs website

Benefits to you

  • Be part of a community. We’re supporting the UK Cleft Community and you can be part of that too.
  • Tax-efficient. Payroll Giving costs less to donate the same amount, compared to giving after tax.
  • Flexibility. Donations through Payroll Giving can be stopped or changed at any time, and you can support multiple charities.
  • Quick and easy. Payroll Giving is a convenient and simple way to support causes that matter to you.
  • Safe and secure. No need to share your bank details and you can choose how you want to be contacted.

Benefits for employers

  • Recognition for your efforts. Get noticed through the Payroll Giving Quality Mark and National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards.
  • Low effort, big reward. Increase your charitable giving with minimal set up and running costs, and administrative requirements.
  • Employee engagement. Boosts employee morale and enables them to feel supported in the causes they care about.

Your regular contribution will mean we can better plan for the future, allowing us to continue to provide the best services possible for people affected by cleft in the UK.

Make payday mean more with Payroll Giving


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