Your Stories

Read stories by people affected by cleft lip and/or palate from all around the UK - or submit your own

Boy with repaired cleft lip at 10 months old

Submit Your Story

A good case study isn’t just about describing what happened, it’s about taking the reader on a journey with you, helping them to understand how you felt at each moment and recognising the similarities in your shared experiences. It can also be a way of framing your difficult experiences in a positive way, perhaps by talking about how much you learnt or how things have improved since that time.

Put yourself in the shoes of the person who might be reading your story. Perhaps they’ve just had a diagnosis and just want to know everything will be okay. Perhaps they’re anxiously waiting for a surgery date and want to know how other parents managed to get through it all in one piece. Maybe they’re all grown up and are wondering if other people with a cleft ever feel like they do.

Whatever the reason, remember that you yourself have come a long way since your first experience with cleft, and that even if you think your experiences are unremarkable, you still have a unique story to tell that might inspire someone.

Share Your Story

[Image ID: A collage of 6 photos, showing different members of the cleft community smiling. On top of the photo is a pink banner with white text 'Share Your Story'.]


Reading stories from other people is one of the best ways to know that whatever you’re going through, you’re not alone.

CLAPA has collected together dozens of stories from parents of children with a cleft which cover everything from diagnosis to coping with surgery and watching their children grow up.

Read Stories from Parents

Young People with a Cleft

We currently don’t have many stories from young people with a cleft, but we’re always looking for more! You can read the ones we have using the link below, or scroll down to find out how you can submit your own.

Read Stories from Young People

Adults with a Cleft

Our stories from adults range from those not yet 20 years old to those into their 80s, and their experiences couldn’t be more varied! If you’d like to share your experiences with the rest of the CLAPA Community, please do submit your story using the form below.

Read Stories from Adults


[Image ID: A collage of four photos showing a baby with a cleft lip and palate lying down in a cot, and baby's reflection in a mirror, a toddler post-surgery outside in a blue coat, and a toddler post-surgery wearing a red t-shirt smiling.]

‘This is Theo; he was born with a bilateral cleft lip and a palate. He had his first lip repair surgery at six months (a little later than others as he wasn’t putting on weight), he had his pallet repaired at ten months. Theo is now three and waiting to start speech therapy. He is such a happy, cheeky little boy, and I am so proud of him. ‘ Shared by Jade.

Need Help?

Not sure where to start? Try our list of questions for Parents & Carers or Adults with a cleft

CLAPA is committed to safeguarding the people of all ages and backgrounds who use our services. Click to find out more about how we make safeguarding a priority.

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