Tagged with:Fundraising Stories
#FundraisingFriday: Great Scottish Run 2017
Every year Mersen Scotland put a team together for the Great Scottish run. The employees are requested to put forward a charity to place their efforts to good use. This year, CLAPA was nominated, and Team Mersen raised over £2k!
#FundraisingFriday: Royal Parks Half Marathon 2017
Superstar fundraiser Julie Payne ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon on the 8th of October and raised a stunning £1,331.25 for CLAPA! Here is her story.
#FundraisingFriday – Golden Phizzwizard
"In the words of Roald Dahl, yesterday was a ‘Golden Phizzwizard’ of a day as we all truly enjoyed getting into character. Everyone looked terrific and your ‘chidlers’ looked great covering pretty much every rhyme and book we have in our Roald Dahl section in the library
A Frighteningly Good #FundraisingFriday
Mum-to-be Leanne has raised nearly £500 for CLAPA with her Halloween-themed bake sale - well done to Leanne and everyone who helped at East Riding College!
Rick – an in memorial pub crawl
In August 1997, on the Bank Holiday Monday, Damien Honey and some of his friends met to take part in the Rick Parsons Memorial Pub Crawl, raising money for medical charities with a connection to Richard's condition.
#FundraisingFriday – Bellway homes
Margaret Soldani’s grandson, Noah Stafford, was born with a bilateral cleft lip in January, and has since had two successful operations at Birmingham Children’s Hospital to treat the condition. Margaret, who is the sales advisor at Bellway’s Orchard Place development in Evesham, said the support her family and Noah had received from CLAPA had been brilliant.
World Smile Day – Sophie, Jadie, and Ivy
Ivy was born with an undiagnosed bilateral cleft lip and palate, the most severe cleft you can have. It was a huge shock, but after a few weeks of talking to the amazing cleft team at the hospital, receiving support from the CLAPA Charity and spending time with my beautiful girl, the shock slowly disappeared and we started to forget that she was different to other babies.
Matilda’s Make-up Masterclass
My name is Matilda Lansdown, 26, business manager for Urban Decay cosmetics. Born with a right bilateral cleft lip and palate, I have undergone approximately 13 corrective procedures in my lifetime, not quite finished my orthodontics though.
#FundraisingFriday – Calum
This #FundraisingFriday we want to say a huge thank you and congratulations to Calum Beach, an 11 year old motorbike racer! Calum took on the Donnington 500 on the 13th of August to raise money and awareness for CLAPA! Calum is only 11 years old, but got three podiums!
#FundraisingFriday – Zidane’s First Birthday!
Zidane was diagnosed with a unilateral complete cleft lip and palate during our 16 week gender scan when we found out we were having a boy. It was a lot to take in, learning he would have to endure numerous operations until roughly the age of 18. However, once the initial shock settled we were just excited to meet our beautiful boy and welcomed the challenges that would come with him (cleft or no cleft!!).