CLAPA Voices: Opportunities

Add your voice: current opportunities.

From developing new services and shaping our messaging to collaborating with researchers, we want the cleft community to be involved every step of the way. Thank you for adding your voice!

We want to make our community as inclusive as possible. Our groups are currently underrepresented by people from ethnic minorities, men, people of colour, and people who follow religions other than Christianity. If you represent any of these groups, we encourage you to get involved.

Here are the current open opportunities with CLAPA Voices. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Gillian, our External Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected].

View summaries from previous research projects.

New Opportunities

  • Consultation Group: UK Cleft Community (18+)

    The Cleft Collective is inviting applications from people to join their Patient Consultation Group which meet to discuss and give feedback on the activities of The Cleft Collective study team to clinicians and researchers.

    Ref -CE002

  • Patient Engagement Group: UK Cleft Community

    Are you interested in NHS cleft care services in the UK? Would you like to voice your thoughts on how cleft services are provided and developed?

    The Cleft Development Group (CDG) are inviting applications to join their new Patient Engagement Group to feedback your opinions to the CDG steering group.

    Ref -CE03

All Current Research Opportunities

  • Consultation Group: UK Cleft Community (18+)

    The Cleft Collective is inviting applications from people to join their Patient Consultation Group which meet to discuss and give feedback on the activities of The Cleft Collective study team to clinicians and researchers.

    Ref -CE002

  • Research Opportunity: Parents of babies aged 0-5 weeks

    The SLUMBRS study aims to learn whether babies with a cleft palate should sleep on their back or their side. They are looking for babies with an isolated cleft palate under five weeks old. Check to see if your Cleft Team is recruiting!

    Ref -CE01

  • Patient Engagement Group: UK Cleft Community

    Are you interested in NHS cleft care services in the UK? Would you like to voice your thoughts on how cleft services are provided and developed?

    The Cleft Development Group (CDG) are inviting applications to join their new Patient Engagement Group to feedback your opinions to the CDG steering group.

    Ref -CE03

  • Patient Engagement Group: Scotland Cleft Community

    Would You Like to Have a Say on NHS Cleft Care in Scotland?

    Cleft Care Scotland (CCS) is inviting applications from people to join their Patient Engagement Group (PEG).

    Ref -CE04

CLAPA Voices is your chance to have your voice heard. Join today, and we’ll get in touch about opportunities throughout the year for you to feed into our work, as well as take part in research projects.

Join CLAPA Voices