Tagged with:Your Stories

  • Happy Grandparent’s Day! (October 6)

    4 Oct 2024

    In celebration of all our wonderful CLAPA grandparents we spoke to Audrey and Dave about their cleft journey with granddaughter Rebecca.

  • Fighting for a cause: Callum’s charity boxing match

    3 Sep 2024

    Three years since Harper-Lily was born, her parents reflect on their daughter's journey and why dad Callum has decided to take on a charity boxing match to raise funds for CLAPA.

  • Barry’s Story

    17 Jul 2024

    Barry Jones, an adult born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, has shared his story with the CLAPA Community to inspire others to gain confidence in sharing theirs.

  • Sarah and Luca’s Story

    8 Jul 2024

    Sarah Mahone got in touch with CLAPA over Cleft Lip and Palate Awareness Week this year to share her journey with her son Luca, who was born with a microform cleft lip.

  • Three peaks and three years of fundraising raises £4,000 for CLAPA

    13 Jun 2024

    Parents Laura and Tom have raised over £1,800 just this year, for CLAPA (Cleft Lip and Palate Association). With their fundraising activities spanning over three years, with three peaks climbed and plenty of bake sales held.

  • Daredevil to take on skydive for CLAPA this May

    20 May 2024

    Stacey was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. After her son was also born with a cleft, she was inspired to fundraise and raise awareness for CLAPA by skydiving on Saturday 25th May.

  • Woman with blonde hair, wearing glasses and smiling to camera

    Lucia’s Story: Share A Smile

    10 May 2024

    Lucia is an adult who was born with a cleft lip and palate. She shared her story about the challenges she's overcome.

  • Sophie’s Story

    10 May 2024

    “Throughout my life, I have attended many hospital appointments, and so far, I have had four operations. I have struggled to find people to talk to who know what I am going through and how to help. This can cause me to feel isolated, as I don’t know whether other people feel the same as I do, however with CLAPA I know that there is always someone to talk to who has been through what I have.”

  • Toddler and mum sat at table

    Kaitlynn and Wyllow’s Story: Share A Smile

    29 Apr 2024

    Wyllow was born with cleft lip and palate. Her mum, Kaitlynn, shares their story with CLAPA.

  • Francesca’s Story

    2 Aug 2023

    Francesca's daughter Eva was born with a left-side cleft lip, palate, and gum notch. She shared their journey with us and what inspired her to set up an Instagram page to raise awareness.