Kate and Sam’s Story

November 30, 2022

Kate and Sam’s son Max was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. They explained the support they received from CLAPA and our community and how it inspired her to fundraise.

During our 20-week scan, we were told that our baby would have a bilateral cleft lip and palate; to say we were shocked was an understatement. 

At first, I didn’t want to look at any pictures, talk about it or even open google to see what was in store for our little boy. A few days later, I sat in his nursery and looked through pictures on the CLAPA Instagram page, and my anxiety reduced dramatically. 

The faces looking back at me were beautiful, and our little boy would be too. CLAPA put us in touch with a family who had been through a similar experience, and I could ask questions and find solace. 

We also had lots of support from Broomfield and CLAPA, including books to prepare our daughter Amelia. Max was born on 4th September 2022, and to our surprise, he only had an isolated incomplete bilateral cleft lip. 

Fortunately for us, Max can use bottles sold through high street retailers. When he was diagnosed, I reached out to other mums to help me understand my feelings and share our experiences. 

I have met two wonderful mums and their amazing children with cleft lips and palates (whose bottles can only be purchased through CLAPA). All our children have had or will need surgery/multiple surgeries as young as four months. 

CLAPA has set up a support group, and this has been invaluable. All of our children are different, beautifully different, and we are so proud of their strength and resilience. 

In current times, CLAPA is struggling to fund the charity. Without them, children similar to Max wouldn’t have access to bottles to feed from or vital support.

In current times, CLAPA is struggling to fund the charity. Without them, children similar to Max wouldn’t have access to bottles to feed from or vital support. We want to raise money so they can continue supporting families like us. 

We want to give back to this great charity. Our friend is running the Milton Keynes Marathon in May 2023 and is fundraising for CLAPA 

Thank you for supporting CLAPA!

Have you been inspired to fundraise? Get in touch with our fundraising team by emailing [email protected] to find out how you can make a difference.