Would you like to take part in the latest research?

July 18, 2018

The Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) are looking for people to help with their research.

CAR is a research centre based at the University of the West of England, Bristol, who strive to make a real difference to the lives of the millions of people worldwide with appearance-related concerns. With a wide variety of research areas around visible difference, CAR are always keen to hear from members of the public and health professionals who’d like to be part of their information gathering and research.

Right now CAR are looking for people to join their new Participant Pool, which is a way of keeping people who are interested up to date with any opportunities to get involved in their research, and helping their dedicated researchers recruit volunteers to help with projects.

With studies focusing on all kinds of appearance-related concerns, from young people’s body image to the role of the media in self-esteem, CAR often work with adults and young people from the UK Cleft Community to find out more about the impact of cleft as a visible difference on their lives. Their research mostly aims to help support those who feel they look different and to help address and challenge social norms related to appearance.

Would you like to find out more? 

If you’re over 16 and you’d like to be part of CAR’s research, you can sign up though CAR’s website to hear about exciting upcoming opportunities or get in touch with Claire Hamlet from CAR if you have any questions.

Join CAR’s Participant Pool 

Join the CLAPA Community 

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