Adult Services Secured with VTCT Grant

October 10, 2017

CLAPA is thrilled to announce we have received a grant from the VTCT Foundation to fund an Adult Support Programme which will take place over the next three years.

The programme will involve CLAPA employing an Adult Services Coordinator to research the needs of adults, leading to a new programme of support services and activities for us to carry through into the future.

The need for improved services for adults is something we’ve pickd up on many times over through surveys, feedback at events, anecdotal evidence, and focus groups. Having a dedicated staff member as part of CLAPA’s team will help us ensure all our services, policies and communications are ‘adult-friendly’, and will give us a strong evidence base for our work moving forward.

We look forward to sharing more information about this project with you soon. For now, we’d like to say a huge thank you to the VTCT Foundation for their generous support of our work!

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