Help CLAPA Raise £5,500 for Residential Weekends

August 8, 2023

Can you help CLAPA raise £5,500 this summer for Residential Weekends?

CLAPA’s free-of-charge Residential Weekends are a unique chance for young people born with a cleft to meet others like them, make friends, build confidence, and learn new skills.

  • Each place costs CLAPA around £350.
  • We need £16,500 to fund our Residential Weekends this year. We’ve already secured £11,000 – can you help us raise the final £5,500?
  • If 30 people signed up for a monthly gift of £15 (plus Gift Aid), we could fund an entire Residential Weekend each year!
  • Just ten donations of £35 could pay for a young person born with a cleft to attend a Residential Weekend.

Can you help CLAPA give young people born with a cleft a life-changing experience this year?

Make a donation

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