Wherever you are in your cleft journey, you’re not alone. In this section, you’ll find information on all our support services, from Parent Supporters to Facebook Groups.
CLAPA is committed to safeguarding the people of all ages and backgrounds who use our services. Click to find out more about how we make safeguarding a priority.
Need to Talk?
Whether you're an expectant parent with a new diagnosis or an adult considering further treatment, our trained volunteers can help you talk through whatever's on your mind.
Your Stories
CLAPA's bank of stories from parents, young people and adults cover a huge range of experiences.
Find practical and emotional support from other parents, with stories, photos, advice and more.
Young People
Under-18s born with a cleft can browse videos and resources created by young people, for young people.
Talk to other adults, find support tailored to you.
Join the CLAPA Community
Join our UK-wide community to be the first to find out about events and opportunities in your area. It's quick, easy, and absolutely free!
Photo Gallery
Browse our extensive gallery of before and after photos of babies born with a cleft.
Facebook Groups
Join thousands of other people affected by cleft in one of our UK Facebook Groups.