The CLAPA Community
CLAPA is committed to safeguarding people of all ages and backgrounds who use our services. Click to find out more about how we make safeguarding a priority.
Join the CLAPA Community to ensure you never miss updates about relevant events, services and other opportunities like surveys and research projects.
- CLAPA Connect, our monthly newsletter packed with stories from the community, exciting opportunities, and updates from the charity
- Alerts about free online events relevant to you, like support groups, Q&As, and more
- Alerts about new CLAPA services we think you might be interested in
- Invitations to take part in (or give feedback on) research projects which help to shape the future of cleft care
You can pick exactly what you’d like to receive and change your details or preferences at any time. Check our Privacy Policy to read more about how we keep your information safe.
Looking for your free Welcome Pack? Once your baby has had their feeding needs assessed, fill in this form to tell us what kind of bottles and teats you need.
Sign Up to the CLAPA Community
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