Chelmsford Golf Club selects CLAPA as charity of the year

June 22, 2023

Judith Wybrow and Phil Hulse (captains) from Chelmsford Golf Club have kindly accepted CLAPA as the club’s charity of the year.

Judith’s grandson Joseph was born with a cleft, and his parents, Natalie and Simon, have shared their journey with us.

‘Joseph was born with a unilateral, complete cleft palate with gum notch. We found out at our 20-week scan & the cleft team at Broomfield Hospital, together with you, have been incredible through our journey.

Friends and family have also been fantastic, both in support & sponsoring me for the Vitality 10km a few years back, raising over £2000 for CLAPA.

Through her sing & sign business, a wonderful friend also raised money for CLAPA, all inspired by Jos! He is just beginning his palate expander treatment in preparation for bone grafting at the excellent Broomfield Hospital.

Thank you so much to Chelmsford Golf Club for their incredible generosity & support! Finally, thank you to everyone at CLAPA for all your fantastic work!’.

Natalie, Simon, Jos, and the golf club have raised £4,000 so far!

Judith said,’ The money raised mostly was through raffles and auctions. My grandson, born with a cleft, has just had a mould taken for his fixed brace to align his top jaw, ready for the bone graft. He has also given a talk to his school, around 400 pupils!! Mum was there to help with the power point’.

Golf club member Lesley and her boyfriend Ian also planned to participate in the Colchester Zoo 10k Stampede.

Lesley told us, ‘ Unfortunately, I had a fall the week before the run and managed to break my hip. I had to have an emergency total hip replacement just days before the run.

I was devastated not to be able to take part. I’ve been looking forward to this event since last year. However, Ian did complete the run along with his daughter Rosie.

They both crossed the line in 1hr 2 mins and were able to spend some time in the zoo post-run. They had a fab day. We have raised £315 for your charity.

The organisers have allowed me to complete the run virtually, which I hope to be able to do by the end of the year’.

Thank you all for your amazing fundraising efforts! If you want to challenge yourself, look at our latest fundraising opportunities and sign up today.

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