Update: March 2023
Thanks to your incredible efforts, we’ve raised £100,000! But we still need your help – read the update from our Chief Executive.
CLAPA – the UK’s only national cleft support charity – urgently needs your help.
Fundraising income has plummeted since the pandemic, and without NHS or government funding to fall back on, things are looking dire. We need your help to avoid making cuts to our vital services.
Please help us be there for the three babies born with a cleft every day in the UK. Help us supply the special bottles and teats that allow these babies to feed at home. Help us give much-needed support to these families as their children go through multiple surgeries and grow into adults with needs of their own. Learn more about what we do and why we need your help.
The support you’ve given our appeal so far has been incredible, but this isn’t a short-term problem. We need you to keep the momentum going in 2023 and beyond to secure CLAPA’s future for every generation who needs us.
As a small charity, anything you give to CLAPA will make a tremendous difference.
On mobile, or can’t see the donation widget? Click here!
If you are using your mobile device to complete this form, please turn the phone horizontally or click here for a mobile-friendly donation page.
With thanks to Stuart Reid at This Machine for kindly donating his services and creating this video free of charge, and to our community for sending in the photos featured.
Learn More
Links and resources to help you spread the word with confidence and help us #SaveCLAPA.
Why We Need Your Help
Our Chief Executive explains why CLAPA urgently needs your help now more than ever.
#SaveCLAPA With Fundraising
Thinking of taking on a fundraising challenge? Whatever you have in mind, join our Campaign on Just Giving to help us reach our goal! Your sponsors can choose to cover the fees for donating themselves, so even more money goes straight to CLAPA.
Santa Dash
Get into the festive spirit by dressing up and dashing 5k for CLAPA! Take part in person in London, or anywhere in the UK virtually. All participants get a medal, CLAPA t-shirt, and support from our fundraising team.
Fundraising at Work
From dress-down-days to nominating us for match funding, there are so many ways your workplaces can support CLAPA's vital services.
Take on a Challenge
Join #TeamCLAPA by signing up for one of the many challenge events available all over the UK. From 5Ks with the family to ultra-marathons, we've got you covered!
Facebook Fundraising
Last year, people like you raised over £50,000 by creating fundraisers on Facebook! They take just minutes to set up, and 100% of the money goes to CLAPA. Tell your story and help your friends and family to start supporting CLAPA today.
Amazon Smile
Choose 'Cleft Lip and Palate Association' as your charity on Amazon Smile, and CLAPA will get cashback every time you shop. Make sure to bookmark 'smile.amazon.co.uk' so you always shop in the right place!
Give As You Live
Generate free donations by shopping on thousands of online shops or even by comparing and switching insurance and utilities! Give as You Live helps you turn your online spending into much-needed support for CLAPA.
Easy Fundraising
Use Easy Fundraising's simple browser extension to generate donations when you shop at hundreds of online shops, including M&S, Booking.com, and JustEat! Turn your next takeaway into a free donation to CLAPA with just a few clicks.