News and updates from across every CLAPA region
Fundraising Stories | Fundraising: Challenges |
Trekkers Conquer Annapurna Circuit
Jay and Lisa-Marie Bush took up the challenge of an unguided trek of the Nepalese Annapurna Circuit during October-November 2012 after Lisa-Marie's cousin Lesley had a child with a cleft.
Fathers | Fundraising Stories | Fundraising: Challenges |
‘Tough Guy’ Tony Wins Medal for Son Ashton
"Ashton and all the other cleft children out there are the real tough guys. I just wanted to get Ashton a medal to prove it and I was mentally prepared to do what ever it took to cross that finish line and get it for him."
Fundraising Stories |
Carol £5,000 Cheque
Dr Gerrard very kindly donated a portion of the royalties from his book to CLAPA in aid of our work.
Cleft Lip and Palate | Dental | Research Summaries |
STUDY: Dental Caries, Oral hygiene and oral clearance in children with craniofacial disorders
This study suggests that children born with CL/P are more likely to get dental decay. The reasons behind this are many and varied but includes the fact that these children seem to find tooth brushing harder and retain foods/sugars longer in their mouths than their unaffected friends.
Cleft Palate | Research Summaries | Speech |
Speech and language therapy interventions for children with cleft palate: a systematic review
We know as clinicians that speech therapy works but there is very little evidence in the published literature. We wanted to find out things like when we should start therapy, who should be doing it, and what type of therapy works best.
Volunteering Stories | Your Stories |
My Volunteer Story: Maria Blackhurst
You have to keep in the back of your mind that you can put the family in contact with people who can help and to hear or read those lovely words, ‘thank you,’ is the best reward you can receive.
NHS Cleft Services | Research Summaries |
STUDY: Cleft Lip and Palate Care in the United Kingdom – The Clinical Standards Advisory Group
Up until the turn of the century, cleft care was provided by 57 teams which had varying standards of care, Based on this research commissioned by UK Health Ministers, the Cleft Teams around the UK were set up to provide centres of specialist care.
Cleft Lip and Palate |
CRANE Publishes Findings of Annual Report
The latest Annual Report from the CRANE database has shown an unacceptably high percentage of babies with cleft palate being diagnosed after the 24-hour mark.
Volunteering Stories |
Cambridge Branch Plants Jubilee Trees at Addenbrooke’s
Seven trees, funded by CLAPA Cambridge, were planted in a ceremony that included eight-year-old Hallie Larham and her family.
Fundraising Stories |
Golf Captain Smashes Fundraising Targets!
Steve Wright has been captain of the Bungay & Waveney Valley Golf Club in Suffolk since December 2011, and as his daughter Sophie was born with a cleft lip and palate twenty-five years ago, he chose to use this fundraising opportunity to support CLAPA.